May – Maggio 23

🇬🇧 – 🇮🇹

The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile has captured this richly detailed new image of the Lagoon Nebula. This giant cloud of gas and dust is creating intensely bright young stars, and is home to young stellar clusters. This image is a tiny part of just one of eleven public surveys of the sky now in progress using ESO telescopes. Together these are providing a vast legacy of publicly available data for the global astronomical community.
Ammasso della Farfalla M6
Ammasso di Tolomeo M7

In 1764: Charles Messier observed and cataloged “M6” Butterfly Cluster M7 Open Cluster and M8 Lagoon Nebula (click on M to study the astronomical files). Waiting for your astrophotographer photos, you are called :D!

Nel 1764: Charles Messier osservó e catalogó “M6” ammasso della farfalla  l’ammasso aperto M7 e M8 nebulosa Laguna (clicca su M per studiare le schede astronomiche). In attesa delle vostre foto astrofotografi, siete chiamati all’appello :D!

In 2010 the space shuttle Atlantis detached from the ISS, its last mission in space.

Nel 2010 avviene il distacco dello space shuttle Atlantis dalla ISS, la sua ultima missione nello spazio.

Text source: Wikipedia

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