March – Marzo 25

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Christiaan Huygens (1629-1693). Caricature of the Dutch physicist and astronomer Christiaan Huygens. Huygens is best known as the inventor of the pendulum clock. The idea of using a pendulum to measure time had been proposed by Galileo (1564-1642) but he had not found how to keep one swinging. On Christmas Day 1656 Huygens designed a table clock that kept the pendulum swinging by means of a spring. He later made further advances in time-keeping. Huygens also made advances in optics, astronomy, such as discovering the rings of Saturn, and mathematics.

In 1655 the astronomer Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan, Saturn’s satellite.

Nel 1655 l’astronomo Christiaan Huygens scopre Titano, satellite di Saturno.

In 1786 the astronomer Giovanni Battista Amici was born, known for having invented the direct vision prism; dedicated to him are the telescope at the Arcetri Observatory in Florence, an asteroid (3809 Amici) and the Amici lunar crater on the hidden side of the Moon

Nel 1786 nasce l’astronomo Giovanni Battista Amici noto per aver inventato il prisma a visione diretta; a lui dedicato il telescopio presente presso l’Osservatorio di Arcetri a Firenze, un asteroide (3809 Amici) e il cratere lunare Amici della faccia nascosta della Luna

In 1933 Karl W. Reinmuth discovered asteroid 1587 Kahrstedt, a main belt asteroid

Nel 1933 Karl W. Reinmuth scopre l’asteroide 1587 Kahrstedt, un asteroide della fascia principale

In 1935 Marguerite Laugier discovered the asteroid 2677 Joan

Nel 1935 Marguerite Laugier scopre l’asteroide 2677 Joan

Photo credit: NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration

In 1979, construction of the first fully functional orbiting Space Shuttle, Columbia, was completed at the John F. Kennedy Space Center

Nel 1979 completata la realizzazione del primo Space Shuttle orbitante pienamente funzionale, il Columbia, al John F. Kennedy Space Center

In 1988 the SAN MARCO 5 was launched from the Italian base in Kenya; reached the elliptical orbit with a perigee of 263 km and apogee of 615 km. Mission objective: study of the solar wind

Nel 1988 avviene il lancio dalla base italiana in Kenya il SAN MARCO 5; raggiunse l’orbita ellittica con perigeo di 263 km e apogeo di 615 km. Obiettivo missione: studio del vento solare

In 1992, cosmonaut Sergej Konstantinovič Krikalëv returned to earth after ten months spent on the Mir space station.

Nel 1992 il cosmonauta Sergej Konstantinovič Krikalëv rientra sulla terra dopo dieci mesi trascorsi sulla Stazione spaziale Mir.

In 1993, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was discovered by astronomers Eugene and Carolyn J. S. Shoemaker and David H. Levy. The following year the comet will destroy itself on the planet Jupiter

Nel 1993 scoperta della cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 dagli astronomi Eugene e Carolyn J. S. Shoemaker e da David H. Levy. L’anno successivo la cometa si distruggerà sul pianeta Giove

In 1993 Ueda and H. Kaneda discovered asteroid 7303

Nel 1993 Ueda e H. Kaneda scoprono l’asteroide 7303

In 1996, comet Hyakutake passed 0.1 astronomical units from Earth, appearing visible throughout the northern hemisphere.

Nel 1996 la cometa Hyakutake passa a 0.1 UnitĂ  astronomiche dalla Terra, apparendo visibile in tutto l’emisfero nord. 

Text source: Wikipedia, Nasa

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