May – Maggio 30

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In 1597 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) wrote to his Platonian philosopher friend Jacopo Mazzoni (1548-1598) in response to the latter’s treatise on the comparison between Plato and Aristotle. In this letter Galileo spoke openly about his attitude towards the two systems of the world saying that he considered the Copernican one as the more probable.

Nel 1597 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) scrisse all’amico filosofo platoniano Jacopo Mazzoni (1548-1598) in risposta al trattato di quest’ultimo sul confronto tra Platone e Aristotele. In questa lettera Galilei parlò apertamente circa il suo atteggiamento verso i due sistemi del mondo dicendo di considerare quello copernicano come il piú probabile.

The Wide Field Imager (WFI) on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile has taken this beautiful image of the open Wild Duck Cluster, Messier 11, or NGC 6705. The blue stars in the centre of the image are the young, hot stars of the cluster. The surrounding redder stars are older, cooler background stars. @ESA la Silla
M12 Processed with MaxIm DL – @Adam Block through Wikipedia

In 1764 Charles Messier discovered the open cluster M11 constellation of Scutum and the globular cluster M12 in Ophiuchus (see photo)

Nel 1764 Charles Messier scopre l’ammasso aperto M11 e l’ammasso globulare M12 in Scudo e Ofiuco (vedi foto)

Hannes Alfvén

In 1908, the Swedish astrophysicist Hannes Olof Goesta Alfven (1908-1995) was born. He has made important contributions both to the physics of cosmic plasmas and to that of laboratory plasmas and in particular he has discovered the existence in plasmas themselves magneto-fluid dynamic waves today called Alfven’s. Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970

Nel 1908 nasce l’astrofisico svedese Hannes Olof Goesta Alfven (1908-1995). Ha dato importanti contributi sia alla fisica dei plasmi cosmici sia a quella dei plasmi di laboratorio e in particolare ha scoperto l’esistenza nei plasmi stessi onde magnetofluidodinamiche oggi dette di Alfven. Premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1970

Vincenzo Cerulli

In 1927 the Italian astronomer Vincenzo Cerulli (1859-1927) died; he known for the intuition that the famous channels of Mars, observed by Giovanni Schiaparelli, were not real but simple optical illusions.

Nel 1927 muore l’astronomo italiano Vincenzo Cerulli (1859-1927); noto per l’intuizione che i famosi canali di Marte, osservati da Giovanni Schiaparelli, non fossero reali ma delle semplici illusioni ottiche. 

First extravehicular activity (EVA) in 1965
Alexei Leonov

In 1934, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was born, the first man to perform the first extravehicular activity in history (EVA).

Nel 1934 nasce il cosmonauta sovietico Aleksey Leonov, il primo uomo a compiere la prima attivitĂ  extraveicolare della storia (EVA).

Sonda lunare Surveyor

In 1966, the Surveyor lunar probe was launched (see photo of the lander photographed by the astronauts).

Nel 1966 lancio della sonda lunare Surveyor (vedi foto del lander fotografato dagli astronauti).

Text source: Wikisource

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