December – Dicembre 24, 25, 26

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In 1957, 355 sunspots appeared on the solar photosphere

Nel 1957 sulla fotosfera solare compaiano ben 355 macchie solari

In 1968 the Apollo 8 crew entered orbit around the Moon, becoming the first human beings to accomplish this feat (see emblematic photo of the Earth seen from the Moon)

Nel 1968 l’equipaggio dell’Apollo 8 entra in orbita attorno alla Luna, diventando i primi esseri umani a compiere tale impresa (vedi foto emblematica della Terra vista dalla Luna)

In 1979 launch of the first Ariane 1 from Kourou (see photo of the full size model of the Ariane 1),

Nel 1979 lancio del primo Ariane 1 da Kourou (vedi foto del modello a dimensioni reali dell’Ariane 1),


Isaac Newton (see image) was born in 1642, an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, theologian, historian and alchemist, considered one of the greatest scientists of all time.

Nel 1642 nasce Isaac Newton (vedi immagine), un matematico, fisico, astronomo, filosofo naturale, teologo, storico e alchimista inglese, considerato uno dei più grandi scienziati di tutti i tempi.

In 1758 E. Halley’s prediction was confirmed by observing the return of the comet

Nel 1758 confermata la predizione di E. Halley, osservando il ritorno della cometa

In 1827 the astronomer Giuseppe Calandrelli died, known for his observations of eclipses, studies on the question of imaginary logarithms, meteorology studies, detailed studies on the reform of the Gregorian calendar, mathematical studies relating to the determination of the day of Easter, observations and studies on Mercury, observations of stellar parallaxes, studies relating to the refraction of sunlight, studies on the aberration of light from the Sun and fixed stars

Nel 1827 muore l’astronomo laziale Giuseppe Calandrelli, noto per le osservazioni di eclissi, studi sulla questione dei logaritmi immaginari, studi di meteorologia, studi dettagliati sulla riforma del calendario gregoriano, studi matematici relativi alla determinazione del giorno della Pasqua, osservazioni e studi su Mercurio, osservazioni di parallassi stellari, studi relativi alla rifrazione della luce solare, studio sull’aberrazione della luce del Sole e delle stelle fisse

In 1978 the Soviet interplanetary probe Venera 11 landed on Venus (see stamp)

Nel 1978 la sonda interplanetaria sovietica Venera 11 atterra su Venere (vedi francobollo)

In 2003, the Beagle 2 lander (see image) of the first European probe the Mars Express landed on Mars on Isidis Planitia (see image)

Nel 2003, il lander Beagle 2 (vedi immagine) della prima sonda europea la Mars Express atterra su Marte su Isidis Planitia (vedi immagine)

In 2004 the Cassini spacecraft released the Huygens probe (see photo) which landed on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons.

Nel 2004 la navetta Cassini rilascia la sonda Huygens (vedi foto) che atterrerà su Titano, una delle lune di Saturno.

In 2021 at 1.30pm from French Guiana, Kourou ELA-3, the Ariane V launch takes place with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) on board, a space telescope searching for the first galaxies formed at the beginning of the formation of the Universe and stars with planetary systems in formation. See also bulletins of September 17th- July 13th e August 21 Nasa live:

Nel 2021 alle 13:30 dalla Guyana Francese, Kourou ELA-3, avviene il lancio Ariane V con a bordo il James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), un telescopio spaziale alla ricerca delle prime galassie formatesi agli inizi della formazione dell’Universo e stelle con sistemi planetari in formazione. Vedi anche bollettini del 17 settembre13 luglio e 21 agosto. Nasa live:

This observation from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope features the massive galaxy cluster RX J2129. Due to Gravitational lensing, this observation contains three different images of the same supernova-hosting galaxy, which you can see in closer detail here. Gravitational lensing occurs when a massive celestial body causes a sufficient curvature of spacetime to bend the path of light travelling past or through it, almost like a vast lens. In this case, the lens is the galaxy cluster RX J2129, located around 3.2 billion light-years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius. Gravitational lensing can cause background objects to appear strangely distorted, as can be seen by the concentric arcs of light in the upper right of this image. Astronomers discovered the supernova in the triply-lensed background galaxy using observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, and they suspected that they had found a very distant Type Ia supernova. These supernovae always produce a fairly consistent luminosity — at the same distance, one looks as bright as any other — which makes them particularly helpful to astronomers. As their distance from Earth is proportional to how dim they appear in the night sky, objects with known brightness can be used as ‘standard candles’ to measure astronomical distances.  The almost uniform luminosity of a Type Ia supernova could also allow astronomers to understand how strongly the galaxy cluster RX J2129 is magnifying background objects, and therefore how massive the galaxy cluster is. As well as distorting the images of background objects, gravitational lenses can cause distant objects to appear much brighter than they would otherwise. If the gravitational lens magnifies something with a known brightness, such as a Type Ia supernova, then astronomers can use this to measure the ‘prescription’ of the gravitational lens.  This observation was captured by Webb’s Near-InfraRed Camera to measure the brightness of the lensed
The first anniversary image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope displays star birth like it’s never been seen before, full of detailed, impressionistic texture. The subject is the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, the closest star-forming region to Earth. It is a relatively small, quiet stellar nursery, but you’d never know it from Webb’s chaotic close-up. Jets bursting from young stars crisscross the image, impacting the surrounding interstellar gas and lighting up molecular hydrogen, shown in red. Some stars display the telltale shadow of a circumstellar disc, the makings of future planetary systems. The young stars at the centre of many of these discs are similar in mass to the Sun or smaller. The heftiest in this image is the star S1, which appears amid a glowing cave it is carving out with its stellar winds in the lower half of the image. The lighter-coloured gas surrounding S1 consists of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a family of carbon-based molecules that are among the most common compounds found in space. [Image description: Red dual opposing jets coming from young stars fill the darker top half of the image, while a glowing pale-yellow, cave-like structure is bottom centre, tilted toward two o’clock, with a bright star at its centre. The dust of the cave structure becomes wispy toward eight o’clock. Above the arched top of the dust cave three groupings of stars with diffraction spikes are arranged. A dark cloud sits at the top of the arch of the glowing dust cave, with one streamer curling down the right-hand side. The dark shadow of the cloud appears pinched in the centre, with light emerging in a triangle shape above and below the pinch, revealing the presence of a star inside the dark cloud. The image’s largest jets of red material emanate from within this dark cloud, thick and displaying structure like the rough face of a cliff, glowing brighter at the edges. At the top centre of the image, a star displays another, larger pinched


In 1973 Comet Kohoutek (see photo) reaches perihelion, but does not provide the spectacle that was expected

Nel 1973 la Cometa Kohoutek (vedi foto) raggiunge il perielio, ma non fornisce lo spettacolo che ci si attendeva

In 1973 return of Soyuz 13 (see photo)

Nel 1973 rientro della Soyuz 13 (vedi foto)

In 1974 launch of Salyut 4, successful mission (see photo)

Nel 1974 lancio della Salyut 4, missione di successo (vedi foto)

Text source: Wikipedia, NASA, YouTube, Torinoscienza

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